Characters and creatures that appeared in animation.
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All items (3023)
- Aardvark (Ice Age)
- Aarghaumont
- Abbey Bominable
- Abigail
- Abomasnow
- Abominable Snow Mollusk
- Abomination (Teen Titans)
- Abracadaniel's Species
- Absol
- Accelgor
- Adelaide (Over the Garden Wall)
- Adella
- Admirabilis
- Aegislash
- Aeon (Rudolph's Shiny New Year)
- Aerodactyl
- Agatha Gillman
- Aggron
- Agnes Bragga
- Agogwe
- Agumon
- Agunimon
- Ahool
- Ahuizotl
- Ailuranthrope
- Aku (Samurai Jack)
- Al Muddy
- Ajed Al-Gebraic
- Alakazam
- Alana
- Alaskan Bull Worm
- Alaskan Monster
- Alberto Scorfano
- Albino Bat
- Albino Humping Worm
- Alcremie
- Alfur
- Aldrich Leviathan
- Alebrije
- Alebrije (Coco)
- Alexander (Fullmetal Alchemist)
- Algae Man
- L. G. Algae
- Allegewi (The Secret Saturdays)
- Barry Allen
- Allosaurus (The Land Before Time)
- Alomomola
- Aloysius Animo
- Alpine Dragon
- Altaria
- Alucard (Hellsing)
- Alurtle
- AM
- Amakagame
- Amal
- Amalthea
- Ambipom
- Amma
- Amoonguss
- Amorpho
- Amorphous Shape
- Ampharos
- Amphibian (Disney)
- Amphibian (Sentōru no Nayami)
- Amy Zahn
- Stocking Anarchy
- Ancient Fairy Warrior
- Ancient One (Scooby-Doo)
- AncientMegatheriummon
- Alexander Anderson
- Andrina
- Angel
- Angelina
- Angelique
- Angemon
- Angewomon
- Angor Rot
- Angoramon
- Anguirus
- Animation Dragon
- Ankylosaurus (Jurassic Park)
- Annihilape
- Antarctican (Sentōru no Nayami)
- Anti-Fairy
- Anton Zeck
- Antonio (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- Anung Un Rama
- Apatosaurus (The Land Before Time)
- Ape (Planet of the Apes)
- Ape Shaman
- Ape-Man (Primal)
- Apelican
- Apemon
- Apex
- Appa
- Appletun
- Aquamentus
- Aquata
- Araquanid
- Aratuah
- Arbok (Pokémon)
- Arboliva
- Arborian
- Arcanine
- Arceus
- Archangel Dragon
- Archelomon
- Archeops
- Archie (Monsters University)
- Arctovish
- Arctozolt
- Ares (Next Gen)
- Arges (Disney)
- Ariel (The Tempest)
- Ariscratle
- Arista
- Armachthys
- Armadillomon
- Armadon
- Armaldo
- Armillaria (Godzilla: The Series)
- Armored Beetle (Primal)
- Aromatisse
- Articuno
- Ashi
- Asian Dragon
- Asian Lung Dragon
- Astrid
- Astro Boy
- Asura (Soul Eater)
- Atlantean
- Attila (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- Attina
- Audino
- Auntie Whispers
- Aurorus
- Avalonia
- Avalugg
- Awgwa
- Azelf
- Azulongmon
- Azumarill
- Ba-dink-a-dink
- Baba
- Baba Yaga
- Babawa
- Babeon
- Babookari
- Baby Button-Eyes
- Baby Legs
- Baby Troll
- Bacillus (Godzilla: The Series)
- Bacon Berry
- Bad-Luck Creature
- Badgermole
- Bagi
- Baihumon
- Bakemon
- Bakene
- Bakunawa
- Balloon Man
- Balrog
- Baluchimon
- Bananostrich
- Bane (DC Comics)
- Banette
- Banshee
- Barbaracle
- Barbari-Ant
- Bard
- Barghest (Hilda)
- Zander Barcalow
- Barnshe
- Barraskewda
- Barry
- Bartell Bragga
- Bartholomew (Timon and Pumbaa)
- Bartholomew Boo
- Baryonyx (Jurassic Park)
- Basculegion
- Bastiodon
- Billy Batson
- Batsquito