Carnivores are beings who possess just meat in their diets.
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All items (1274)
- Abartige Aasfresser
- Abath (Grimm)
- Absol
- Abstract Daddy
- Abyssal
- Acromantula
- Adaro
- Adjule
- Adjule (Resident Evil)
- Afanc
- Agropelter
- Agumon
- Ahriman (Final Fantasy)
- Ahuizotl
- Ailuranthrope
- Air Screamer
- Airswitch
- Akantor
- Al Muddy
- Al-mi'raj
- Alaskan Monster
- Alaskan Tiger
- Albino Deepwater Bull Shark
- Alert Spider
- Alkali Lake Monster
- Allegewi (The Secret Saturdays)
- Allidillo
- Allosaurus (Jurassic Park)
- Allosaurus (The Land Before Time)
- Allosaurus therotribus
- Alma (Snakes on a Train)
- Amakagame
- Amao
- Amarok
- Amarok (The Secret Saturdays)
- American Mapinguari
- American Olitiau
- Amoonguss
- Amphibian (The Tank)
- Amphibious Creature
- Ampilus
- Ancestor
- Ancient Enemy
- Ancient Katydid
- Andean Wolf
- Angry Molesting Tree
- Anguirus
- Annis
- Ant (Empire of the Ants)
- Ant Lion (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Antarctican (Sentōru no Nayami)
- Antlion (American McGee's Alice)
- Apex
- Apkallu (Final Fantasy XI)
- Aquamentus
- Aracha
- Arachni-Lobster
- Arachno-claw
- Arachnoquake Spider
- Araneo
- Araquanid
- Arcanadaemon
- Argentavis atrocollum
- Arica Monster
- Armadillo Wolf
- Armagator
- Armaldo
- Armored Beetle (Primal)
- Army Ant (American McGee's Alice)
- Army Ant (Hasbro)
- Arroc
- Arthropluera felsanguis
- Aruroda
- Ashen Ghoul
- Ass-Blaster
- Assassin Vine
- Asset
- Ataktos Fuse
- Atlach-Nacha
- Atmospheric Predator
- Atomic Dog
- Atrociraptor (Jurassic Park)
- Aurumvorax
- Aztec Rex
- Babau (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Baboonlizard
- Bag Swordfish
- Balduvian Bear
- Balduvian Hydra
- Bandersnatch
- Bar-Lgura
- Baragon
- Bardelot
- Barghest
- Barghest (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Barnshe
- Bart-Looking Monster
- Baryonyx (Jurassic Park)
- Baryonyx aquafulgur
- Basilisk (Basilisk: The Serpent King)
- Basilisk (God of War)
- Basilisk (Harry Potter)
- Bats of Dol Guldur
- Batsquatch
- Battledog
- Beachplug
- Bear Beast
- Bear Lake Monster
- Bear Owl
- Bearealis
- Beast of Bladenboro
- Beast of Blue John Gap
- Beast of Bray Road
- Beast of Gévaudan
- Becklespinax (Jurassic Park)
- Beedrill
- Beelzebufo palucocus
- Behemoth (Behemoth)
- Berserker (Gears of War)
- Bestial Beast
- Big Caesar
- Big Piranha Plant
- Bigfoot (Abominable)
- Biloko (The Secret Saturdays)
- Black Beast of Aaargh
- Black Dragon (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Black Mourning Spider
- BlackAgumon
- BlackGreymon
- Blackout Creature
- Blood Dragon
- Blue Dragon (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Bo
- Boa (Boa vs. Python)
- Boa/Lily Hybrid
- Bobcat/Owl Hybrid
- Bog Octopus
- Bogeyman
- Boitatá
- Bolivian Tree Lizard
- Boltund
- Boobrie (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Boogen
- Boojum (American McGee's Alice)
- Borneo Anaconda
- Bowler (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Boxfish Siren
- Boy
- Braviary
- Brutornis
- Bruxish
- Bubastis
- Bug (Bugs)
- Bukavac
- Bular
- Bulco
- Bunyip
- Bunzo Bunny
- Buraki
- Buru
- Buzzard Wasp
- Cacodemon
- Cacturne
- Cake
- Calopus
- Camel Spider
- Camouflage Beast
- Candace's Id
- Capelobo
- Caradune
- Carakiller
- Card Guard
- Carnictis sordicus
- Carnivine
- Carnivorous Flower (Happy Tree Friends)
- Carnivorous Plant (Zevo-3)
- Carnotaurus (Age of Dinosaurs)
- Carnotaurus (Dinosaur)
- Carnotaurus (Jurassic Park)
- Carnotaurus (Terra Nova)
- Carnotaurus pressor
- Carnotaurus/Human Hybrid
- Carracosta
- Carver (King Kong)
- Cataract Aevis
- Bob Catkin
- Caturamon