Data Deficient (DD) is a Status level and means that the creature specimen number is unknown.
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All items (609)
- Abada
- Abomasnow
- Abstract Daddy
- Abyss Dweller
- Abyss Wyrm
- Acheman
- Acromantula
- Adjule
- Adjule (Resident Evil)
- Aecyto Weevil
- Aeralfos
- Agaddon Hunter
- Agumon
- Ahool
- Air Screamer
- Akantor
- Alaskan Bull Worm
- Alaskan Monster
- Alert Spider
- Allosaurus (Jurassic Park)
- Almas
- Alpe
- Alphabat
- Alurtle
- Amarok (The Secret Saturdays)
- Ambrosial Amberjack
- Amphibian (The Tank)
- Ancient Fish (The Legend of Zelda)
- Ancient Katydid
- Anguirus
- Ankylosaurus (Jurassic Park)
- Antlion (American McGee's Alice)
- Anubis Warrior (The Mummy Returns)
- Apatosaurus (Jurassic Park)
- Apceros
- Ape (Final Fantasy Adventure)
- Ape-Man (Primal)
- Apkallu
- Apkallu (Final Fantasy XI)
- Aquus
- Arachni-Lobster
- Arachnopod
- Arachnoquake Spider
- Arica Monster
- Armadillo Club
- Armored Beetle (Primal)
- Armos
- Army Ant (American McGee's Alice)
- Army Ant (Hasbro)
- Arroc
- Ataktos Fuse
- Automaton (Alice: Madness Returns)
- Automaton (American McGee's Alice)
- Bag Swordfish
- Bake-kujira
- Baku
- Balrog
- Bandersnatch
- Baragon
- Barghest
- Bart-Looking Monster
- Basilisk
- Basilisk (Game of Thrones)
- Basilisk (God of War)
- Basilisk (Harry Potter)
- Bat (Wolfenstein)
- Bats of Dol Guldur
- Bear (Metro: Last Light)
- Bear Pear
- Beast from Haunted Cave
- Beast of Blue John Gap
- Beavecoon
- Behemoth (Samurai Jack)
- Behemoth (The Mist)
- Berserker (Gears of War)
- Bhutanese Blue Flower (The Dark Knight Trilogy)
- Bigfoot
- Bigfoot (Abominable)
- Bio-Man
- Bio-Organic Weapon
- Black & White Tiger
- Black Scarab (Magic: The Gathering)
- Blade Scorpion
- Blame
- Blinking Spirit
- Bloodsucker (Silent Hill)
- Blotling
- Blurb
- Boa (Boa vs. Python)
- Bog Octopus
- Boitatá
- Bolivian Tree Lizard
- Bosh
- Boundary Interface Prime Field Device
- Bowtruckle
- Brachiosaurus (Jurassic Park)
- Broodmother lysrix
- Brown Bar-ba-loot
- Brown Ouphe
- Brown-Furred Monster (Hilda)
- Bruxish
- Bukavac
- Bulco
- Bunyip
- Buzzard Wasp
- Caliban (Huntik)
- Cambion
- Canvey Island Monster
- Carakiller
- Care Bear
- Carnivorous Flower (Happy Tree Friends)
- Carnotaurus (Jurassic Park)
- Case (Garten of Banban)
- Cat (Adventure Time)
- Cave Parasite
- Cave Troll (The Lord of the Rings)
- Ceadeus
- Chub Toad
- Chud (Rick and Morty)
- Chupacabra
- Chupacabra (Ben 10)
- Chupacabra (Jackie Chan Adventures)
- Chupacabra (Primos)
- Cilophyte
- Clambo
- Cloth
- Compsognathus (Jurassic Park)
- Conebeak
- Conqueror Worm
- Crab (How to Survive)
- Creature of Blood Beach
- Creature of Darkness (Jana of the Jungle)
- Croc Monster (MonsterVerse)
- Crocodile Tongue
- Crocosaurus
- Crossbreed
- Cryptile
- Cursed door
- Dahu
- Daimyo Hermitaur
- Dark Elf (Final Fantasy)
- Dark Umber Hulk
- Darkness Mite
- Dawdler
- Death Jackal
- Dedenne
- Deeler
- Dementor
- Demiguise
- Demobat
- Demogorgon (Stranger Things)
- Descendant
- Dilophosaurus (Jurassic Park)
- Dimorphodon (Jurassic Park)
- Displacer Beast
- Dobhar-chú
- Dog (Adventure Time)
- Dolphacuda
- Dragon (ARK)
- Dragon Wasp
- Duck-Billed Insect
- Duxedo
- Dweller (AdventureQuest)
- Dwergi
- Dyrio