Spiders are air-breathing arthropods that have eight legs and chelicerae with fangs that inject venom. They are the largest order of arachnids and rank seventh in total species diversity among all other groups of organisms. Anatomically, spiders differ from other arthropods in that the usual body segments are fused into two tagmata, the cephalothorax and abdomen, and joined by a small, cylindrical pedicel. Unlike insects, spiders do not have antennae. In all except the most primitive group, the Mesothelae, spiders have the most centralized nervous systems of all arthropods, as all their ganglia are fused into one mass in the cephalothorax. Unlike most arthropods, spiders have no extensor muscles in their limbs and instead extend them by hydraulic pressure.
Their abdomens bear appendages that have been modified into spinnerets that extrude silk from up to six types of silk glands within their abdomen. Spider webs vary widely in size, shape and the amount of sticky thread used. It now appears that the spiral orb web may be one of the earliest forms, and spiders that produce tangled cobwebs are more abundant and diverse than orb-web spiders.
A herbivorous species, Bagheera kiplingi, was described in 2008, but all other known species are predators, mostly preying on insects and on other spiders, although a few large species also take birds and lizards; in media, spiders often target humans due to man's common and innate fear of them. Spiders use a wide range of strategies to capture prey: trapping it in sticky webs, lassoing it with sticky bolas, mimicking the prey to avoid detection, or running it down. Most detect prey mainly by sensing vibrations, but the active hunters have acute vision, and hunters of the genus Portia show signs of intelligence in their choice of tactics and ability to develop new ones. Spiders' guts are too narrow to take solids, and they liquidize their food by flooding it with digestive enzymes and grinding it with the bases of their pedipalps, as they do not have true jaws.
Spiders will eat any live prey, including other spiders if they have nothing else to eat, but they will avoid any dead creatures.
Spider (Eight Legged Freaks) -
Lavalantula -
Arachnoquake Spider -
Tarantula (Kingdom of the Spiders) -
Spider (Spiders 3D) -
Adolfo's Spider/Human Hybrid -
Giant Spider (The Simpsons) -
Spider (Spiders)
All items (66)
- Galvantula
- Gargantulantula
- Giant Black Widow
- Giant Sea Spider
- Giant Spider (Godzilla: The Series)
- Giant Spider (Meet the Feebles)
- Giant Spider (Primal)
- Giant Spider (The Simpsons)
- Giant Spider Creature (The Mist)
- Giant Spiders (My Little Pony)
- Giant Tarantula
- Giant Trap Door Spider
- Glowblade
- Great Spider (The Hobbit)
- Griever