Non-alien Creatures Wiki
Giant Ant
Binomen N/A
Average height Varies by caste/subspecies
Sapience Non-sapient
Aggressivity High
Habitat North American Wasteland
Diet Carnivore
Lifespan DD
Subspecies Fire Ant, West Coast Ant
Status Least Concern
Behind the Scenes
Universe Fallout

Giant ants are the result of nuclear fallout mutating regular ants.


What they lack in individual fortitude, they make up for with relentless attacks and swarm tactics. Their exoskeleton isn't particularly thick, but it can turn aside weak punches and dull knives. Their mandibles can cut through most leather and plastic with ease, even snapping bone on a lucky shot. Giant ants become particularly aggressive when their queen is threatened.

A giant ant species found in Northern California and Oregon lives mainly in dark places, often underground. A larger species of giant ants, with horned skin can be found on the East Coast. They make a loud chittering noise and are better adjusted to daylight than their California cousins. There are four variants of these ants: workers, soldiers, warriors and queens. Ant Nectar, a narcotic, can occasionally be looted from their refuse piles.

The Fire Ants are another variation of giant ants that is even more mutated than the "regular" giant bugs. Their name comes from their ability to literally breathe fire. This species includes two castes of Fire Ant: the warrior, a rather more dangerous soldier variant; and the Nest Guardian, an even more powerful warrior.

Giant ant queens are large and slow, but compensate by spitting radioactive goo at enemies.
