Non-alien Creatures Wiki
Hobyahs! Hobyahs! Hobyahs! Tear down the hemstalks, eat up the old man and woman, and carry off the little girl!
— Their signature saying throughout the fairy tale.
Binomen N/A
Body type Reptomammal
Average height est. as 2 - 3 feet (~ 61 to 91 cm)
Sentience Sentient
Sapience Semi-Sapient
Aggressivity Malicious
Language simple English
Habitat Forests
Diet Carnivorous
Locomotion Bipedal
Status Extinct
Behind the Scenes
Universe More English Fairy Tales
Created by Joseph Jacobs

The Hobyah are a species of strange, lizard-like creatures that appear within the folklore fairy tale known as "The Hobyahs".


While there had been numerous different depictions of the Hobyahs throughout each re-telling, The original appearance of the Hobyahs depicted them as bipedal, nocturnal, small creatures with black fur, and resembling a look belonging to a lizard or salamander.

They're shown as highly malicious, and have an appetite for humans, but aren't completely fearless as they are terrified of larger carnivores such as dogs.

The Hobyahs story[]

While many different depictions had been made of the Hobyahs over the years, their involvement in the story is relatively the same:

Every night, for several nights they would appear to a family home of an old couple and young girl. Each night they would chant their signature saying, but each night they would be scared off by the family dog. This kept up for several nights until the night their dog is gone, to which they did what they set out to do: eat the old man and woman and carry away the little girl. They returned to their cave and fell asleep throughout the day, unaware a man replaced the bag with his own dog. Upon waking up and opening the bag, the dog ate them all and the Hobyahs were no more.

