Non-alien Creatures Wiki
Rainbow Squid
Binomen N/A
Body type Cephalopod
Average length 25 meters
Sentience Sentient
Sapience Semi-Sapient
Language Color-based
Place of origin Global Ocean
Diet Carnivorous
Locomotion Swimming
Behind the Scenes
Universe The Future Is Wild

The Rainbow Squid is a gigantic species of pelagic cephalopods, so-named for their ability to rapidly change color, much like a modern cuttlefish or octopus; and use this ability to blend in with the ocean and render themselves "invisible", especially to evade the predatory Sharkopaths. They inhabit the Global Ocean, about 200 million years in the future.


Rainbow Squids are large cephalopods, about 25 meters in length. They use their camouflaging abilities to create patterns that, when seen from below, mimic the water surface to render them invisible. When seen from above, however, these patterns mimic the shape of schools of Silverswimmers moving close to the surface. This is used to lure the flying Ocean Flish that would normally feed on Silverswimmers, but in this case end up becoming food for the Rainbow Squid instead, as the squid extends its large tentacles to rapidly snatch the Flish from the sky and eat it.

When other animals approach the Rainbow Squid, it can also flash luminous flash-like displays to drive them away. Like their ancestors, Rainbow Squids are extremely intelligent, and can communicate with each other in sophisticated fashion by forming patterns of light and images on their skin. They move into the shallow waters to breed.
