Non-alien Creatures Wiki
Sea Rhinoceros
Sea rhinoceros
Others Sea Rhino (presumed)
Binomen N/A
Body type Mammalian ichthyoid
Sentience Sentient
Sapience Non-Sapient
Aggressivity Hostile
Habitat Ocean
Diet Unknown
Locomotion Swimming with tail side-to side
Status Data Deficient
Behind the Scenes
Universe Spongebob Squarepants

Sea Rhinoceros are a fictional species of large fish native to the ocean floor. They're basically described as an average rhinoceros but with a more sea turtle-like body, they also possess a pair of spikes both atop their back and head. They even have a tail fin similar to a shark.


They are attracted to the sound of a Sea Bear attack and the only way to protect themselves from them is by wearing anti-Sea Rhinoceros undergarments, anyone surrounding over an anti-sea bear circle is not protected from these creatures. After Squidward was attacked by a Sea Bear numerous times a Sea Rhinoceros showed up and snarled at him ready to attack much to his fear.


  • Spongebob SquarePants, s03e17, "The Camping Episode" (2002)