Non-alien Creatures Wiki
Slake Moth
Binomen Unknown
Average height Unknown
Sentience Sentient
Sapience Semi-sapient
Aggressivity Extreme
Habitat Known to inhabit cities, possibly anywhere with sapient life.
Diet Psychovore (devour minds)
Lifespan Unknown
Subspecies None
Status Unknown
Behind the Scenes
Universe Bas-Lag
Created by China Miéville

Slake Moths are creatures that exist in multiple dimensions at once and feed on the minds of sapient beings.


Like normal moths, slake moths begin their lives as larvae. These grub-like creatures are fed a substance called "dreamshit", which is produced from digested minds by the adults. In humans dreamshit produces powerful hallucinations. Once it has eaten enough the grub will enter a cocoon and begin its' metamorphosis into an adult.

Adults fly around, searching for the psychic emanations of a self-aware mind; once it detects these emanations, it will mesmerize the victim with transforming patterns on the wings. It then extends a slimy tongue into the mouth or other orifices of the victim, into the brain, and sucks out the mind. Victims are left alive, but completely lacking any conscious, mental functionality.

Slake moths are hermaphrodites, and even a small population can quickly escalate into a plague.
