Non-alien Creatures Wiki
Others Knowledge Pokémon
The Being of Knowledge
Binomen N/A
Original ユクシー
Romanization Yukushī
Body type Simian
Average height 30 cm
Average weight 0.3 kg
Sentience Sentient
Sapience Sapient
Place of origin Sinnoh region, Pokémon World
Habitat Lake Acuity
Locomotion Levitation
Lifespan Immortal
Related species Mesprit
Behind the Scenes
Universe Pokémon

Uxie is a Psychic-type legendary Pokémon and one of the three lake guardians of the Sinnoh region, along with Mesprit and Azelf. Each member of the trio represents a different aspect of human psyche, and each inhabits a cave in a specific Sinnoh lake. Uxie represents knowledge and dwells in Lake Acuity; Mesprit represents emotion and dwells in Lake Verity; and Azelf represents willpower and dwells in Lake Valor.


All three lake guardians are small genderless creatures, about 30 cm in height and weighing no more than 300 grams. Their appearance is vaguely simian, with very short legs and proportionally longer arms. Their hands have only two digits while their feet have no toes. They have a pair of thin tails which are longer than their entire bodies.

Their heads are large and their eyes are yellow (although in Uxie's case, the eyes seem to remain always closed). They have smooth pale-gray skin and red gemstones adorning their forehead and the tips of their tails. Thanks to their extraordinary psychic abilities, they move around primarily by levitation.

It has been stated that the combined efforts of the Lake Guardians could potentially stand to and counter the power of either Dialga or Palkia, but not both of them simultaneously. It's also implied that even the three of them wouldn't be able to counter Giratina.

According to the mythology of the Sinnoh region, the birth of Uxie represented the time humanity gained the ability to solve problems with knowledge. As such, Uxie is naturally drawn to individuals that have knowledge as one of their virtues. Uxie's eyes are usually kept closed, as staring into them can cause someone to lose all their memory.
