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Robotchicken ep005 003 Disney Attacks

Walt Disney is a fictionalized character of an actual founder of Disney.


Like his actual counterpart, Disney died on 1966 from lung cancer, except his nephew Roy Disney Jr allowed the doctor to decapitate his head for his revival in his cyborg status.

When awaken, Disney orders food to his men to bring a Cuban child so he can feast on. Years later in Orlando, Florida as Disney's power grew, the Walt Disney World theme park was built so he can be closer to Cuban food supply. One day, when he saw a Cuban boy, Elian Gonzalez reunited with his family in Cuba, Disney grew paranoid and began traveling through the coast of Florida to Cuba, where he was attacked by the Cuban army before successfully killed them.

As Disney arrived in Cuba, he encounter Elian before being shot down by dictator Fidel Castro. As the chaos was over, the people cheered, but Elian was also shot by Castro.


  • The character's description was based on urban legends surrounding at Walt Disney's death.